Outdoor Workouts: Boost Your Fitness and Connect with Nature

Outdoor workouts offer a refreshing and invigorating way to boost your fitness while connecting with nature. By taking your exercises outside, you can enjoy numerous benefits, such as:

  • Improved mental health and reduced stress
  • Increased vitamin D exposure
  • Enhanced mood and self-esteem
  • Greater variety in your workout routine

Whether you prefer bodyweight exercises, cardio, HIIT, or other activities like biking or hiking, outdoor workouts provide endless opportunities to challenge your body and mind. This guide will explore various ways to incorporate outdoor exercises into your fitness routine, including no-equipment workouts, core exercises, leg exercises, and glute exercises. By the end of this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to embark on your outdoor fitness journey and reap the rewards of exercising in nature.

Preparing for Your Outdoor Workout

Before you go bounding off into the great outdoors, let’s make sure you’re properly geared up and ready to tackle whatever Mother Nature throws your way.

First things first, let’s talk about your outfit. You might want to look good, but more importantly, you want to feel good. Opt for comfortable, weather-appropriate clothing that allows you to move freely without any wardrobe malfunctions. Don’t forget about your feet! Proper footwear is key to preventing injuries. And don’t forget the sun protection unless you’re aiming for that lobster-chic look.

Next up, hydration! Bring along a trusty water bottle to keep you refreshed and hydrated throughout your workout. If you’re planning on a longer session, pack some snacks to fuel your body.

Now, let’s talk location. Here are some top picks:

  • Parks and green spaces: Perfect for bodyweight exercises and HIIT sessions.
  • Hiking trails: Get your cardio fix while taking in some stunning views.
  • Beaches and lakeside areas: Who says you can’t have fun while working on your fitness?

Just remember, safety first! Monitor the weather conditions, scope out the terrain, and always let someone know where you’re headed. If you’re in a secluded area, bring a workout buddy along for added personal safety (and maybe a little friendly competition) never hurts.

Bodyweight Exercises for Outdoor Workouts

It’s time to dive into the meat and potatoes of outdoor workouts: bodyweight exercises! These are the ultimate no-equipment, no-excuses way to get your sweat on and sculpt that dream body of yours.

But wait. Before you start busting out those squats and lunges like there’s no tomorrow, remember to follow a proper warm-up and stretching routine. Trust me, your muscles will thank you later. Take a few minutes to get your blood pumping and your joints loosened up.

Now, let’s break it down by body part.

Lower Body Exercises

It’s time to give those legs some love! Here are some killer lower body exercises that will have your legs screaming for mercy (in a good way, of course):

  1. Squats and variations: Regular squats, jump squats, sumo squats, you name it! These will get your quadshamstrings, and glutes firing on all cylinders.
  2. Lunges and variations: Forward lunges, reverse lunges, side lunges, walking lunges. Mix it up and keep your legs guessing!
  3. Glute bridges and variations: Standard, single-leg, and marching bridges. Your booty will be poppin’ in no time!

Upper Body Exercises

Don’t worry. We haven’t forgotten about your upper half! Here are some fantastic upper body exercises to help you build that coveted “sun’s out, guns out” physique:

  1. Push-ups and variations: Regular push-ups, diamond push-ups, decline push-ups. These classics will target your chestshoulders, and triceps.
  2. Dips and variations: Bench dips, straight-leg dips, and parallel bar dips. Say hello to strong, toned arms!
  3. Pull-ups and variations (using outdoor structures): Find a sturdy branch or a playground monkey bar and crank out some pull-ups for a killer back and bicep workout.

Core Exercises

A strong midsection is crucial for overall stability and balance. Give these core exercises a go:

  1. Planks and variations: Standard planks, side planks, plank jacks. Feel the burn and watch those abs come to life!
  2. Russian twists: Add a little twist to your core routine to target your obliques.
  3. Bicycle crunches: Crunch, twist, and pedal your way to a six-pack. Who needs a real bike when you’ve got these?

Make sure to cool down with some post-workout stretching to keep those muscles happy and healthy.

Cardio and HIIT Outdoor Workouts

Let’s kick things up a notch and get that heart rate soaring! We’re talking about cardio and HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) outdoor workouts.

Running and Jogging

Let’s start with the classics: running and jogging. These tried-and-true cardio workouts are perfect for the great outdoors. Picture this: you, the open road (or trail), and the wind in your hair. It’s like a scene straight out of a movie montage. Before you hit the trails, let’s cover some basics:

  1. Proper form and technique: Keep your head up, shoulders relaxed, and arms pumping. Trust me, your body will thank you later.
  2. Interval training: Alternate between high-intensity running and low-intensity jogging or walking periods.
  3. Trail running: If you’re feeling adventurous, hit the trails! Just watch out for roots, rocks, and any woodland creatures that might want to join your workout.

Cycling and Biking

If running isn’t your jam, fear not! Cycling and biking are fantastic alternatives that still get your heart pumping and your legs burning. Whether you’re a road warrior or a mountain biking maverick, there’s a cycling workout for you:

  1. Road cycling: Grab your helmet and hit the pavement.
  2. Mountain biking: For the thrill-seekers out there, mountain biking is the perfect blend of cardio and adrenaline.

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

Let’s talk about the ultimate calorie-torching, sweat-inducing outdoor workout: HIIT. This is where you give it your all in short bursts, followed by brief periods of rest. Here are some HIIT ideas to get you started:

  1. Tabata protocol: 20 seconds of all-out effort, followed by 10 seconds of rest. Repeat for 4 minutes. It’s amazing what you can accomplish in just 4 minutes!
  2. Sprints and burpees: Sprint like you’re being chased by a bear, drop down for some burpees, and repeat. It’s a surefire way to get your heart rate up and your neighbors wondering what on earth you’re doing.
  3. Plyometric exercises: Jump squats, jump lunges, and box jumps. You’ll burn a ton of calories with these explosive full body movements.

Outdoor Activities for Fitness

It’s time to break free from the confines of your living room and explore the great outdoors. Mother Nature has so much to offer when it comes to staying fit and having a blast.


First up, we have hiking. Imagine yourself surrounded by lush forests, majestic mountains, or serene valleys. It’s like being in a real-life postcard! But wait, there’s more:

  1. Benefits of hiking: Hiking improves your cardiovascular health and strengthens your lower body and core muscles. Plus, it’s a great way to destress and clear your mind.
  2. Choosing the right trail: Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned hiker, there’s a trail out there for you. Just make sure to do your research, check the difficulty level, and pack accordingly.
  3. Incorporating bodyweight exercises during hikes: Who says hiking has to be just walking? Spice things up by adding squats, lunges, or push-ups at scenic viewpoints.

Swimming and Water-based Activities

Next, we have swimming and water-based activities. These are perfect for hot summer days when you want to stay cool while getting your fitness on.

  1. Open-water swimming: If you’re lucky enough to live near a lake, ocean, or river, try open-water swimming. It’s a whole new level of adventure compared to pool swimming!
  2. Kayaking and canoeing: These low-impact activities are great for building upper body strength and enjoying some peaceful time on the water.
  3. Stand-up paddleboarding (SUP): This activity is like a combination of surfing and kayaking. Plus, it’s an excellent workout for your core, balance, and overall strength.

Sports and Games

Last but not least, we have sports and games. These are perfect for those who love a little friendly competition and socializing while breaking a sweat. Gather your friends, family, or even some friendly strangers, and let the games begin!

  1. Beach volleyball: Spike, dive, and serve your way to a fun and challenging workout on the sand.
  2. Frisbee and ultimate frisbee: These classic games are a great way to burn calories while practicing hand-eye coordination.
  3. Outdoor yoga and Tai Chi: For a more zen-like approach to outdoor fitness, try yoga or Tai Chi. Find a peaceful spot in a park or on a beach, and let the calming sounds of nature be your soundtrack.

Incorporating Equipment into Outdoor Workouts

It’s time to level up your outdoor workouts by adding some equipment to the mix. Now, before you start picturing yourself lugging a weight bench and a barbell to the park, let me assure you that we’re talking about portable, easy-to-use gear that will take your workouts to new heights!

Resistance Bands

First on the list are resistance bands. These versatile little wonders are like having a pocket-sized gym that you can take anywhere. They come in different resistances, so you can choose the one that suits your fitness level. Here are some ways to use them:

  • Wrap them around a sturdy tree or pole for some killer rows and chest presses
  • Use them for assisted pull-ups or dips to build up your strength
  • Tie them around your legs for a glute-burning workout

Did you know that resistance bands provide similar results to conventional strength training?

Suspension Trainers (e.g., TRX)

Next up, we have suspension trainers like the TRX. All you need is a sturdy anchor point, and you’re ready to rock! Here’s what you can do with them:

  • Perform gravity-defying rows and chest presses
  • Challenge your core with some suspended planks and pikes
  • Get a full-body workout by combining squats, lunges, and pushups

Portable Weights (Dumbbells, Kettlebells)

If you’re a fan of traditional strength training, fear not! You can still bring your favorite dumbbells or kettlebells to the great outdoors. Just make sure to choose weights that are manageable for you to carry and use safely. Here are some ideas:

  • Use dumbbells for some classic bicep curls and overhead presses
  • Swing kettlebells for a heart-pumping, full-body workout
  • Combine weights with bodyweight exercises for a well-rounded routine

Workout Benches and Bars

Last but not least, if you’re lucky enough to find a workout bench or bar at your local park or outdoor gym, take full advantage of it! These pieces of equipment can add variety to your workouts and target specific muscle groups. Try these:

  • Use a bench for some elevated push-ups or dips
  • Perform step-ups or box jumps on a sturdy bench
  • Use a bar for some pull-ups or hanging leg raises

Outdoor Workout Ideas for Different Fitness Levels

Time to put all this outdoor workout knowledge into action! Whether you’re a beginner just starting your fitness journey, an intermediate looking to mix things up, or an advanced athlete ready to take on any challenge, I’ve got you covered with these simple outdoor workout routines. Let’s dive in!

Pro tip: Take these up a notch by turning these sessions into HIIT workouts.

Beginner-Friendly Outdoor Workout Routine

If you’re new to the world of outdoor workouts, don’t worry! This beginner-friendly workout requires no equipment and will help you build a strong foundation and get you excited about exercising in nature. Here’s what you’ll do:

  1. Warm-up: 5-minute brisk walk or light jog
  2. Bodyweight Squats: 3 sets of 10 reps
  3. Modified Push-ups (on knees): 3 sets of 8 reps
  4. Walking Lunges: 3 sets of 10 reps (per leg)
  5. Plank Hold: 3 sets of 20 seconds
  6. Cool-down: 5-minute stretch

Increase the upper body volume by using a park bench to add in some dips or playground equipment for some pull-ups!

Intermediate Outdoor Workout Routine

If you’ve been working out regularly and are ready to take on a new challenge, this intermediate routine is perfect. It combines strength training and cardio to give you a well-rounded workout. Here’s what you’ll do:

  1. Warm-up: 10-minute jog or cycling
  2. Alternating Walking Lunges: 3 sets of 12 reps (per leg)
  3. Incline Push-ups (on a bench or stairs): 3 sets of 10 reps
  4. Bench Dips: 3 sets of 12 reps
  5. High Knees: 3 sets of 30 seconds
  6. Burpees: 3 sets of 10 reps
  7. Cool-down: 5-minute stretch

Add some mountain climbers or bring along a jump rope to take your cardio to the next level!

Advanced Outdoor Workout Routine

For you seasoned fitness enthusiasts, this advanced routine will put your strength and endurance to the test. Get ready to push yourself and feel the burn! Here’s what you’ll do:

  1. Warm-up: 15-minute run or cycling
  2. Jump Squats: 4 sets of 15 reps
  3. Pull-ups (on a tree branch or outdoor gym equipment): 4 sets of 8 reps
  4. Plyometric Push-ups: 4 sets of 10 reps
  5. Sprint Intervals: 6 sets of 20 seconds sprint, 40 seconds rest
  6. Russian Twists: 4 sets of 20 reps
  7. Burpee Box Jumps (on a bench or sturdy surface): 4 sets of 10 reps
  8. Cool-down: 10-minute stretch

Pack along a kettlebell and add in some Bulgarian split squats if you really want to feel the burn.

Remember, these are just sample routines to show you how to structure your outdoor workouts. Feel free to modify them based on your personal goals and preferences. If you’re not sure about an exercise or need help with proper form, don’t hesitate to consult a fitness professional or do some research online.

The most important thing is to have fun, enjoy the fresh air, and celebrate your progress along the way. Whether you’re crushing your first push-up or nailing those advanced plyometric moves, every step counts. So, get out there, soak up some vitamin D, and show Mother Nature what you’re made of!


We’ve covered everything from bodyweight exercises and cardio to hiking, swimming, and even throwing in some biking for good measure. By now, you should be armed with a plethora of ideas to make your outdoor workouts anything but boring.

Remember, the key to staying motivated is keeping things fresh and exciting. Don’t be afraid to mix up your routines, try new activities, and, most importantly, have a blast while you’re at it!

So, what are you waiting for? Grab your water bottle, put on your sneakers, and head outside for an adventure that will leave you feeling accomplished, energized, and maybe even a little bit sore.


  1. Does Participating in Physical Activity in Outdoor Natural Environments Have a Greater Effect on Physical and Mental Wellbeing than Physical Activity Indoors? A Systematic ReviewJ. Thompson Coon, K. Boddy, K. Stein, R. Whear, J. Barton, and M. H. DepledgeEnvironmental Science & Technology 2011 45 (5), 1761-1772DOI: 10.1021/es102947t
  2. Harvard Health Publishing. (2019). The importance of stretching. Harvard Medical School. https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/the-importance-of-stretching
  3. Batacan RB, Duncan MJ, Dalbo VJ, et al. Effects of high-intensity interval training on cardiometabolic health: a systematic review and meta-analysis of intervention studies. British Journal of Sports Medicine 2017;51:494-503.
  4. Lopes JSS, Machado AF, Micheletti JK, de Almeida AC, Cavina AP, Pastre CM. Effects of training with elastic resistance versus conventional resistance on muscular strength: A systematic review and meta-analysis. SAGE Open Medicine. 2019;7. doi:10.1177/2050312119831116

By Doug Shoemaker

In 2013 I attended TVCC with my studies focusing on nutrition and biology. After leaving TVCC I pursued a career in inbound marketing and have worked in many different industries including health and fitness, firearms, coaching, and many more. I spent 6 years training for powerlifting and 6 years after training for a bodybuilding show in Idaho, which sadly did not come to fruition.

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