Powerlifting Competition Attempt Calculator: Maximize Your Lifts!

Are you gearing up for your next powerlifting meet and want to make sure you’re selecting the optimal attempts to crush your PRs? Look no further! Our Powerlifting Competition Attempt Calculator is here to help you strategize and maximize your lifts on the big day.

Powerlifting Competition Attempt Calculator

Lift 1st (Opener) 2nd 3rd
Bench Press

Why Use an Attempt Calculator?

Choosing the right attempts is crucial for a successful powerlifting meet. You want to:

  • Build Confidence: Start with an achievable opener to get you in the groove and boost your confidence.
  • Secure Lifts: Ensure you're putting up a solid total by making smart weight jumps.
  • Push Your Limits: Select a challenging but achievable third attempt to showcase your true strength.

Our powerlifting attempt calculator takes the guesswork out of the equation, providing you with a solid starting point based on proven strategies used by elite powerlifters and coaches.

How to Use the Powerlifting Attempt Calculator

Using our calculator is a breeze:

  1. Enter your target weights for the squatbench press, and deadlift in the designated fields.
  2. Hit the "Calculate" button and let the magic happen!
  3. The calculator will provide you with recommended weights for your 1st (opener), 2nd, and 3rd attempts for each lift and your projected totals.

The Science Behind the Calculator

Our attempt selection strategy is based on research and the practices of renowned powerlifting coaches like Matt Gary, Boris Sheiko, Bryce Lewis, and Alexander Eriksson. A study published in October 2021 analyzing the results from the IPF World Championships between 2012 and 2019 found that successful lifters, on average:

  • Opened with 91% of their third attempt
  • Lifted 96% of their third attempt in their second attempt

These findings align perfectly with the percentages used in our calculator, giving you a solid foundation for attempt selection.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I use this calculator for both raw and equipped powerlifting? A: Absolutely! The calculator is based on percentages, so it can be used for any powerlifting division.

Q: What if I don't have a specific target weight in mind? A: In that case, base your target weights on your most recent training lifts or personal bests. It's better to be conservative and build from there.

Q: Should I always follow the calculator's recommendations? A: The calculator provides a solid starting point, but you know your body best. If you're feeling particularly strong or fatigued on meet day, adjust your attempts accordingly.

Go Crush Those Lifts!

Alright, powerlifters, you're now armed with the knowledge and tools to optimize your attempt selection and dominate your next meet. Remember, trust the process, believe in your strength, and don't be afraid to leave it all on the platform.

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By Doug Shoemaker

In 2013 I attended TVCC with my studies focusing on nutrition and biology. After leaving TVCC I pursued a career in inbound marketing and have worked in many different industries including health and fitness, firearms, coaching, and many more. I spent 6 years training for powerlifting and 6 years after training for a bodybuilding show in Idaho, which sadly did not come to fruition.

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