What is the Cronometer App? Everything You Need to Know

The New Year holidays are long gone, but somehow, your New Year’s resolutions for a healthier and slimmer body are still dormant. Many people in a similar situation reach for one (or tens) of fitness application(s) but given the great interest in something like this, app stores are over-saturated with choice. It isn’t easy to find the ideal application! Here is why we think the Cronometer app is the way to go!

Article Summary: In this article, you will learn about the Cronometer app, why people use it, how effective it is, and everything else you need to know about it. Keep reading so you don’t miss anything!

What is the Cronometer App?

Cronometer App

Cronometer is one of the best apps you can come across, mostly because it offers effortless and flexible features that lead to a healthier body. You can count your calorie intake, record all your training sessions, set and achieve goals and much more. The application supports all major Cronometer explained:

  1. What Is the Cronometer App Used For?;
  2. How To Use the Cronometer App;
  3. How Does Cronometer Calculate Your Goals?;
  4. How Does Cronometer Help You Stay Focused And Determined?;
  5. Cronometer Is One Very Smart App;
  6. The Cronometer App Supports All Types Of Diets;
  7. Why Cronometer vs. MyFitnessPal?

1. What is the Cronometer App used for?

We live in an age of smartphones and computers that allow us to access the Internet.

Unlike in the past where you had to write down and calculate everything  using the power of your brain, today we are easily able to have an overview of what we eat on our smartphones.

Essentially, Cronometer is an application that will help you track the calories you eat and the calories you burn through exercise. All you have to do is download the app (available on Android and iOS), create an account and enter your data and goals. The app is also able to automatically determine your daily caloric intake (according to your goals).

2. How to use the Cronometer app

If you know the required daily intake of calories and micro/macronutrients according to your goal, there is a section where you can enter this and get personalized information.

Then, when you want to enter a meal that you have on today’s menu, click on the ‘Add Food’ button, which sends you to the page where you can find that meal from their extensive database. That’s how Cronometer lets you know exactly how many calories/proteins/carbohydrates/fat, etc. you are consuming with that meal.

3. How does Cronometer calculate your goals?

When you create your account, the app asks for your age, sex, height, current weight, calorie intake, goal weight and exercise habits/activity levels. It helps the app create a perfectly balanced goal with a path that you can easily follow. If you already have a diet plan, macro goal, or calorie goal you can also set those.

4. How does Cronometer help you stay focused and determined?

Here’s an example: you went to your aunt’s wedding yesterday and ate so much cake your stomach was close to bursting. Naturally, your calorie limit has been exceeded. You don’t have the time to work out and burn everything off – because you partied through the night. “Alright”, you think to yourself, “no problem, I’ll eat less today and balance things out.” This is where Cronometer comes in: the app warns you if you eat too much or too little. This helps prevent you from creating unhealthy eating patterns. It’s almost as if you have your own personal nutritionist that lives in your pocket and tracks your meals to keep you on track to achieve your goal.

On top of all that, an additional benefit from Cronometer is that as you continue to use it, it generates trends. This is a great way to see how your weight and diet change over time.

5. Cronometer is one very smart app

The app is developed in a way that tracks the food you usually eat and personalizes your options. This makes it even faster and easier for you to track your calorie intake each day. You can also start a Cronometer diary that will track everything you eat with just a couple of taps.

The app also has a database of foods and beverages, making the whole process very efficient. There is virtually no food that Cronometer hasn’t got on their database, and if they don’t, you can add it!

6. The Cronometer app supports all types of diets

Whether you follow the Mediterranean, Atkins, Vegan, Ketogenic or any other diet, Cronometer doesn’t judge! You can customize your macronutrients to those suitable for your type of diet. Afterwards, Cronometer will let you know if you follow it accurately and successfully.

7. Why Cronometer vs. MyFitnessPal?

Both have a similar set of basic features, allowing you to track your diet and exercise day by day. However, there are some significant differences! Below is why Cronometer is the recommended option.

Adding Food

Adding food in Cronometer is easier and more accurate. There is a single button to add food rather than multiple places. Plus, the database checks with well established and published macronutrient values rather than letting anyone make them up. It is far more accurate for this reason, making it more valuable for staying on diet.

When you save recipes in Cronometer it gives you a detailed breakdown of macro and micronutrients rather than just adding the recipe.

Cronometer provides a detailed nutritional breakdown of your vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. This is on top of the basics like calories, fat, protein, and carbohydrates. On top of that, it calculates net carbs unlike MyFitnessPal. This is especially useful if you are on a Keto diet or prep.

The reports in Cronometer are easier to read and go much more in-depth. The color coding is awesome!

Overall, Cronometer is far superior as it:

  • Provides detailed vitamin, mineral, and amino acid data.
  • Provides the quickest way to add foods you eat.
  • Values nutritional accuracy highly.

Bottom Line

Eating healthily and losing weight is much easier if you have the right tools to help you. That’s why Cronometer is a very cool app that everyone should use to help them reach their goals.

Check it out here!

Categorized as Diet Tagged

By Doug Shoemaker

In 2013 I attended TVCC with my studies focusing on nutrition and biology. After leaving TVCC I pursued a career in inbound marketing and have worked in many different industries including health and fitness, firearms, coaching, and many more. I spent 6 years training for powerlifting and 6 years after training for a bodybuilding show in Idaho, which sadly did not come to fruition.

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