One Rep Max Calculator

1RM Calculator

Estimated One Rep Max

One Rep Max Calculator

Learn your estimated one-rep max (1RM) using the calculator above to target your strength goals more effectively.

Finding 1 rep max can be helpful for understanding your current strength level, building programs, and even more! Find yours above!

Repetition Percentages of 1RM

RepetitionsPercentage of 1RM

Why Check Your One Rep Max (1RM)?

The primary reason to measure and calculate your one rep max is to find your strength level. It tells you the heaviest weight you can lift for a single repetition based on the weight lifted and how many reps you completed.

Curious where you stack up against other lifters? Trying to increase your strength? Or do you want to know how much you can bench for a single repetition? Answer these questions by testing your strength level! You can find it with a one rep max attempt or use a calculator like this to calculate your one repetition max.

Knowing Your Strength Level Isn’t the Only Reason

Knowing your max isn’t just important for tracking strength increases. It can be used to achieve all resistance training goals more efficiently and effectively. Your max can be used to train for strength, size, and power.

Testing for your 1 rep max shouldn’t be done frequently though, as it is very hard on the body. The good news is that there are great ways to estimate it that don’t require lifting your actual maximum weight – fitness calculators like this. For example: the calculator above.

Learn more about one rep max calculator accuracy here.

How to Test One Rep Max.

When using a 1RM calculator: the fewer reps achieved, the more accurate the one rm calculator will be. A 1RM calc like this only estimates based on the information it is given.

Lifting heavy is a must, but stop when form breaks down. Full range of motion and proper technique are essential to prevent muscle injuries and for accurate fitness calculators results. Besides, injuring yourself to get a higher max is counterproductive to your long term goals.

Similar lifts will not have the same one rep max. Don’t calculate for a bench press max and then try to use that number for incline bench press max.

If you want to know your true max rather than your estimated one rep max use the method below.

NASM 1RM Conversion Chart PDF

One Rep Max Chart Table from the NASM website. Find your maximum strength.

Or you can check out our bench press max chart here for more specific numbers.

Learn how to quickly and accurately gauge your max! Save time and begin maximizing your workouts today.

Looking to boost your strength and performance? Use our one rep max calc to accurately determine the maximum amount of weight you can lift for one complete repetition.

This tool takes into account your current strength level. It can also help you build an effective training program to reach your fitness goals.

What is a One Rep Max?

One rep max is the maximum amount of weight that you can lift for one complete repetition. Knowing your 1RM can help you build an effective weightlifting program to maximize it.

How Does Our Calculator Work?

It uses a customized equation to accurately determine your 1RM range for a particular exercise. It predicts your max based on the amount of weight you can lift for multiple reps.

Provide the weight and number of repetitions. Then it will instantly generate your 1RM. It’s as simple as that!

Which Factors Can Affect Your Estimate?

Factors such as body weight, neuromuscular exhaustion of the muscle from fatigue, and technique variations can affect the calculation. These all have a significant impact on the value estimated. The higher the number of reps you performed, the less accurate it will be, so 3-5 reps is a good number to work with.

How to Find My 1RM with the Calculator

Often, trainers and coaches set up programs using your one-rep max as a reference point. Especially if they don’t know your actual strength level. This allows the trainer to set an effective program without knowing your current strength.

Here are some things to remember when testing your 1RM:

  • The lower your reps, the more accurate your estimate will be
  • Don’t count reps with bad form
  • Remember that each lift has its own 1RM- Don’t use bench press to calculate incline bench press

Using One Rep Max Calculators for Different Lifts

You can use this calculator for most major lifts.

  • Deadlift One Rep Max Calculator: Save your back by using this tool to get a reasonable estimate of your deadlift numbers.
  • Squat One Rep Max Calculator: Just like with the deadlift, you can input your current weight and reps for the squat to estimate your squat max.
  • Bench One Rep Max Calculator: The bench press is another key lift where knowing your max can be valuable and significantly safer.
  • Leg Press One Rep Max Calculator: There is really no reason other than vanity to actually test your leg press max – use this tool instead!

Remember, while these calculators are helpful tools, they provide estimates. The best way to know your true max is to carefully test it under proper supervision and with good form. Use the calculators as a guide, but listen to your body and prioritize safety above all else.

What Percentage to Use For Training

How much weight should you be lifting? Use these for some direction:

Speed and Power: 50-60%

Muscle Size: 70-80%

Strength: 85-95%

These numbers aren’t the only way to train, mix up the percentage of 1RM and rep range. They are just some recommendations based on methods that are proven to give results.

There are other ways to get results. Don’t be afraid to try new methods and mix things up. This calculator is meant to be a tool, not the answer to your strength concerns.

Not Happy With Your Current Max Weight?

Here are some tips to help you get those numbers up!

Creatine has been proven to increase one rep max

If you are trying to increase your max, 5 grams a day of creatine should absolutely be part of your supplement regimen.

Train Close to Your Max

Try training at 80% of your maximum for four sets of five on week one. Then week two gradually increase the percentage of your max and so on.

Once you can perform this set and rep scheme for 87% of your max, try testing again.

Perform Walkouts or Holds

Sometimes you fail to pull off a new max attempt simply because you haven’t ever held that weight before. Simply load up the bar with the weight you want to lift (your 1RM or more). Then unrack it (walk out with it in the case of squats), hold it for a few seconds, and put it back on the rack.

Train Specific Ranges of Motion

If you are getting hung up on a specific portion of a given exercise, try these for different exercises:

Bench Press Lockout

Use boards or pins to shorten the range of your bench motion to just the top half.

Deadlift Lockout

Perform rack pulls, lifting the weight from the mid-thigh position.

Coming out of the Hole

Squats- Perform low box squats from below your typical squat depth.

Make sure to work with a spotter any time you training near your maximum.

Follow a Program

If your main exercise goal is to increase your 1RM for a given exercise, follow a strength training program built to do just that. The right exercise program can make all the difference.

For beginner lifters or those who have never followed a strength training program, use Stronglifts or a similar program.

Just need to push yourself to the next level? Try other powerlifting programs like Smolov Jr. or browse all of our programs here.

What is the Most Common One Rep Max Calculator Formula?

There are several different formulas. The most common is the weight lifted divided by the total of 1.0278 minus the reps performed times 0.0278. This number is then rounded down to the nearest five.

one rep max calculator formula

Looking for another fitness calculator? Try this list!

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More 1RM info

Is it bad to test your one rep max?

There are pros and cons to testing your max. You do need to be careful when testing.

Doing so overstresses your nervous system and joints, can slow down progress, and carries a high potential for injury. Only test when you absolutely need to.

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