Health and Fitness Resources

All Health and Fitness Resources

Incline Push-Up on Smith Machine Bar

Are you ready to take your push-up game to the next level? Today, we’re diving into the world of incline push-ups using a Smith machine bar. This fantastic variation of…

Powerlifting Calculator – Wilks Score Calculator

If you’ve ever wondered how you stack up against other powerlifters or are curious about your true lifting potential, you’ve come to the right place. Today, we’re diving into the…

Get Swol with Reverse Drop Sets

Have you ever finished a set at the gym and thought, “Phew, I’m totally pumped, but I feel like I have a little more left in the tank”? Then reverse…

The Great Weight Debate: Drop Sets vs. Pyramids

An In-Depth Analysis of the Superior Muscle-Building Method The debate over the most effective hypertrophy training methods rages in gyms worldwide. Two techniques that remain in the spotlight are drop…

Get Strong with This Beginner Calisthenics Workout Plan

Have you ever wanted to start calisthenics but weren’t sure where to begin? Trying calisthenics training for the first time can be intimidating, but this simple 21-day calisthenics workout plan makes…

The Ultimate Push, Pull, Squat Workout Routine

Want to build muscle and strength efficiently? This balanced push, pull, squat routine has you covered. I don’t know about you, but I love efficiency. As a busy professional juggling…

A Beginner Guide to Pull-Ups Plus Our Pull-Up Program

Have you always wanted to impress your friends by busting out some pull-ups but don’t know where to start? You’ve come to the right place! This beginner’s guide will explain…

The Sheiko Program: A Blueprint for Powerlifting Success

The Sheiko powerlifting program has developed a cult-like following among strength athletes seeking maximal gains. Created by legendary Russian weightlifting coach Boris Sheiko, this system has propelled numerous athletes to…

Honey and Salt Pre Workout: Pump Up Naturally

Are your workouts feeling a little flat lately? Are you avoiding pre-workout supplements but need an energy boost before crushing your next PR? Well, I’ve got some sweet news -…

How To Do Single Arm Tricep Pushdowns

Single-arm tricep pushdowns are an excellent exercise for targeting the back of the upper arm (known as the tricep). To perform them, you’ll need a cable machine. They can be…

Smolov Calculator – The Full Program

Use this easy Smolov calculator to see exactly how much to lift on what days of the full Smolov Squat Program. You can learn more about the program here. This…

The Complete Guide to the Westside Barbell Program

The Westside Barbell Program has become one of the most influential strength and conditioning programs in the world. Louie Simmons created Westside after years of research. It has set 140+…

The Complete Guide to the Brutal Yet Effective Smolov Squat Program

The Smolov squat program is an intense, demanding, and highly effective squat routine explicitly designed to help intermediate and advanced lifters build tremendous lower body strength and muscle mass quickly. Created by Russian powerlifting mastermind Sergey Smolov in…

Unlocking the Power of Low Weight, High Reps

When it comes to your fitness journey, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. But if you want to boost your strength, build endurance, and sculpt those muscles, it might be time to…

Can You Lift Weights While Pregnant?

Pregnancy is a beautiful experience, but it comes with its own set of questions and concerns. One of the most common questions that expectant mothers have is whether they can…

Hot Weather and Calorie Burn: What’s the Connection?

If you’ve ever wondered whether you burn more calories when it’s hot outside, you’re not alone. It’s a question that’s crossed the minds of many on their weight loss journey.…

The Simple Muscle Building Workout Plan: Get Results!

Are you ready to embark on the journey of building muscle? Fantastic! Building muscle is a commitment that requires consistent strength training over an extended period. While there are no…

1RM Warmup Calculator

}.container {max-width: 500px;margin: 20px auto;padding: 20px;background-color: #fff;border-radius: 5px;box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);}h2 {margin-bottom: 20px;}label {font-weight: bold;}input[type=”number”] {width: 100%;padding: 10px;margin-bottom: 10px;border: 1px solid #ccc;border-radius: 4px;box-sizing: border-box;}button {background-color: #007bff;color:…

Push-Up Test Calculator – See How You Stack Up

Push-Up Test Calculator body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; } .container { width: 300px; margin: auto; padding: 20px; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 5px; } label { display: block; margin-bottom: 5px;…

Target Heart Rate Calculator: Get Better Results!

Use the target heart rate calculator here! body{font-family:Arial,sans-serif;background-color:#f4f4f4;margin:0;padding:20px;}h1{text-align:center;margin-bottom:20px;}label{font-weight:bold;}input,select{width:100%;padding:10px;margin-bottom:10px;border:1px solid #ccc;border-radius:4px;}button{background-color:#4CAF50;color:white;padding:10px 20px;border:none;border-radius:4px;cursor:pointer;}h2{text-align:center;margin-top:20px;} Age:Resting Heart Rate (HRrest):Desired Training Intensity:Very LightLightModerateHardVery HardCalculate THR Target Heart Rate (THR) Range: — bpm function calculateTHR(){var age=parseFloat(document.getElementById(“age”).value);var…

BMR Calculator

Use the BMR Calculator or keep reading below to learn more! body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; background-color: #f4f4f4; margin: 0; padding: 20px; } h1 { text-align: center; margin-bottom: 20px; }…

Body Fat Calculator

body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; background-color: #f4f4f4; margin: 0; padding: 20px; } h1 { margin-bottom: 20px; } label { font-weight: bold; } input, select { width: 100%; padding: 10px; margin-bottom:…

BMI Calculator

body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; margin: 10; padding: 10; background-color: #f5f5f5; } h1 { text-align: center; margin-top: 30px; } .container { max-width: 400px; margin: 0 auto; padding: 20px; background-color: #fff;…

How To Test And Improve Muscular Endurance

So, you know that feeling when you’re climbing a few flights of stairs or trying to carry a bunch of grocery bags all at once, and suddenly you start huffing…

Muscular Hypertrophy: Maximizing Muscle Growth

Are you ready to take your muscle growth to the next level? Hypertrophy is key to maximizing muscle mass and strength, and this guide will walk you through the science,…

Everything You Need To Know About 1RM Testing

Are you ready to discover the ultimate measure of your strength? Meet the 1RM (one-repetition maximum) test – the gold standard for gauging your power without the need for a…

How Long Does Muscle Pump Last? Answered

Are you a fitness enthusiast who loves chasing the elusive “muscle pump”? That satisfying feeling of tightness and fullness in your muscles after a good workout is what many gym-goers…

The 5 Hardest Parts of The Body to Train and Grow

Have you ever felt like you’re putting in all the effort but not seeing the results you want? If you’ve been hitting the gym consistently but still struggling to develop…

22 Tips to Eat Healthy and Lose Weight on a Budget

Are you looking to shed some extra pounds without breaking the bank? Losing weight doesn’t have to mean spending a fortune on expensive diet plans, supplements, or gym memberships. In…

About The Half Murph or Mini Murph

Are you seeking a challenging and rewarding workout that will push you to your limits? If so, you might want to try the Half Murph. What Is a Half Murph?…

Bench Press Chart: Find Your Max Bench

These bench press max charts are the old way of finding your approximate 1RM. If you would like a simpler solution, check out the 1RM Calculator! Looking to take your…

Hammer Strength Low Row: How And When To Use It

Are you looking to add serious size and strength to your back? Then, consider incorporating the Hammer Strength low row machine into your workout routine. This versatile piece of equipment…

How To Do A Skater Squat

Are you tired of the same old leg workouts? Looking for a challenge that will take your leg strength and balance to the next level? Look no further than the…

EZ Bar Upright Row: How To and More

Are you looking for a killer exercise that can simultaneously work your shoulders and upper back muscles? If yes, the EZ bar upright row might be perfect for you! This…

Biceps vs Triceps: What’s the Difference?

Have you ever wondered what makes your arm look toned and muscular? Chances are, you’re probably thinking of the biceps and triceps! But what’s the difference between the two? If…

How to do Egyptian Lateral Raises

Welcome, fitness enthusiasts, to the world of Egyptian lateral raises! If you want to add variety to your shoulder workout routine, you’ve come to the right place. This exercise is…

Why You Should Stop Testing Your 1RM

Are you one of those people who constantly obsesses over their one rep max? Do you regularly push your limits to see how much weight you can lift? While striving…

The Science Behind One Rep Max Testing

Are you a fitness enthusiast looking to maximize your strength gains? If so, you’ve probably heard of one rep max testing – a popular method of measuring maximal strength in…

How to Use 1RM Calculators for Different Training Goals

Whether you’re a seasoned weightlifter or just starting out, a one-rep max (1RM) calculator can be incredibly valuable for achieving your fitness goals.  Your 1RM is the maximum weight you…

Our Guide To The Best Exercises For Weight Loss

Losing weight is a challenge that requires dedication, focus, and hard work. But with the right tools and resources, it doesn’t have to be complicated. Whether you’re looking to lose…

The Ultimate 4-Week Glute Workout Routine

If you’re looking for a way to get a bigger butt, you’ve come to the right place! Growing your glutes takes dedication, hard work, and the right plan. This four-week…

PPL Workout Routines Guide + Workout

Are you tired of your current workout routine and looking for something new to spice things up? Look no further than the push, pull, legs (PPL) workout routine!  This popular…

Review of the PHAT Workout by Layne Norton + The Workout

Are you seeking a workout program combining strength and hypertrophy training to maximize your gains? Look no further than the PHAT (Power Hypertrophy Adaptive Training) workout.  This workout program has…

Training Volume For Muscle Gains Video Review

Hey there! I’m excited to share this video that delves into the importance of volume in maximizing hypertrophy. The creator, Layne Norton, an authority in the fitness industry, provides insightful…

7 Ways to Burn 1000 Calories A Day

Burning 1000 calories a day is no easy feat, but it can be done. With a bit of dedication, you can reach your weight loss goals and make significant progress.…

Nail The Barbell Box Squat Form

Strengthening your legs can improve balance, agility and coordination, as well as add power when you need it. The barbell box squat is a popular exercise that targets the lower…

The Best Gyms Near Nampa, Idaho

Finding the right gym is essential if you’re looking to get in shape. But how do you know which gym is right for you?  Nampa, Idaho, has a wide variety…

Grow Your Chest and Triceps with This Workout!

Do you want to build bigger, stronger chest and tricep muscles? Of course you do!  Building bigger and stronger muscles requires dedication and commitment, but with the right exercises and…

Why You Suck at 1 Rep Maxes

Do you ever feel like you’re bad at checking your one rep max? For example, maybe you can lift 295 lbs for 6 reps but can’t lift 315 for one.…

Article Content Descriptions

Bodybuilding Articles

Interested in bodybuilding as a topic? These articles cover everything bodybuilding related.

Diet Articles

Not sure how much to eat, what to eat, or why? This section of articles should be able to help!

Growth Articles

This section offers specific and tested strategies to get more growth and better results.

Gym Articles

Not sure what to do at the gym or just looking to take it to the next level? There is definitely an article for you in this section.

Health Articles

Interested to learn more about physical health or mental health? There should be something in this section for you!

Opinion Posts

This section holds anything that is not or cannot be tested for scientific accuracy. For example, the best way to achieve success.

Free Programs

Looking to get started in the gym or just need a new program to fit your goals? These articles cover everything you need to know about the programs available here.


In order to keep all of these other resources free we offer fitness apparel and more that helps keep Doug Grows funded!

Getting started with a fitness program and understanding your diet are two of the best things you can do for your physical health and are pretty great for mental health as well. All of the free fitness resources on this website are aimed to help individuals reach their personal health and fitness goals in the easiest and most cost effective way possible. Our free fitness resources include diet and health information, free workout plans, and of course some humor here and there to bolster that mental health!

Each of our free workouts is created by certified or degreed trainers or are time tested methods that are well understood. It can be difficult to find the right plan so this resource is here to make things easier on you. Our fitness plans include body weight workouts that are easy to complete at home and also training programs that require specialized training equipment usually found in the gym.

Benefits of online fitness

You can access your workouts anywhere as long as you download the plans or have some sort of internet connection.

Online workouts allow you to save money compared to personally developed plans. Don’t mistake this for dogging on personal training as it is one of the fastest ways to reach your body goals, but not everyone has the time or the money for it. In that case online workouts help get you to the same goal without the added financial or time strain.

You can workout according to your personal schedule rather than being locked into class schedules or personal trainers schedules.

If you aren’t used to workouts, are intimidated by the gym, can’t afford a gym, or just want to train from the comfort of your own home: body based workouts or workouts that require minimal equipment allow you to at least get started without leaving the house.

Drawbacks of online workouts

If you struggle with finding the motivation to workout or aren’t comfortable getting started without personal help, online workouts might not be the right answer for you. 

When performing online workouts there is no one available to check your form.

Online workouts do not provide you with feedback, critique, modifications, or corrections. This is particularly an issue for those new fitness or getting back from an injury.

If you have decided that online workouts will be the right fit for your body goals and needs you can jump back up to the workout plans section and start looking for the workout that makes the most sense for you. However, if you feel that a personalized workout is a better match for you just shoot us an email of what your goals are and a qualified trainer will reach out to you!

Body Weight Workouts

Body weight workouts are great for individuals who are looking for a quick way to burn some extra calories, get in shape, and meet weight loss goals. They are a perfect way to burn extra calories, tone the body, and maybe free yourself of unnecessary gym costs.

Equipment Based Workouts

The equipment based training plans are going to be more specific goal focused. These workouts could range from general fitness plans to extremely goal focused workout plans meant to help achieve focused fitness or body goals. We compiled resources from other web sources but also tried to bring some fresh new workouts into the mix from well trained individuals.

Video Workouts and Resources

Most of the free online fitness resources on this site are going to be readable material or applications to help you reach your goals, however, if you are more interested in workout videos or a youtube channel you can find some great options here-

The UXO Supplements youtube channel is a great option for learning more about unique and effective training methods as well as gaining supplement knowledge. This youtube channel is produced by the CEO of UXO Supplements but is a great, unbiased resource for supplement knowledge in video form.

The Hypertrophy Coach youtube channel has some of the best workout finishers you can find for free online (and maybe even for pay)! This youtube channel is produced by personal trainer Joe Bennet whose workout videos are well known for being packed full of knowledge you can use in the gym from beginner to professional levels.

The Kris Gethin youtube channel has great recovery, meal, and training knowledge. This youtube channel catalogs Kris’s knowledge of healthy eating, recovery styles, gym based workouts, and at-home workouts and is a tool just about any body or mind can benefit from.

Other free online fitness resources include-

Our own library where you can choose a free online workout catered to your goals. Remember to start slow if you are new to exercise, and talk to your doctor if you have any concerns.

The USDA offers some great free online fitness tools to help you reach your bodyweight or weight loss. Their online fitness tools include exercise planners, logs, and progress tests.

The National Institute on Aging has great tips for older adults who are wanting to get started and set fitness goals.

If there are other fitness resources you are looking for and would like some advice, feel free to reach out!

Designing Personal Workouts

If you are looking for resources to help you design your own workouts here are some things to consider:

What do you like and dislike, and what are some personal barriers you may? Consider these before designing workouts for yourself.

What are your goals and what type of workout is going to help you reach them? If you are trying to increase your 1RM then build your program around increasing strength rather than aesthetics.

Following any fitness program an be overwhelming at times. For this reason, try to design workouts that you are willing and able to follow. A lot of times less is more. Plan your workouts carefully and try to pace them so you don’t burn yourself out.

Make sure your workouts include stretching and mobility work. Stretching after your workouts helps optimize the range of motion in your joints and helps boost circulation. Try not to stretch too much before your workouts as studies have shown this can decrease athletic performance. It may also increase your chances of injury. Before your workouts, try moving in the motion planes you will be using to train (dynamic stretching). This complements the static stretching and may help improve performance.

Your workouts should also include aerobic exercise to increase cardiovascular health. Even something simple like walking for 30 minutes a day will help you to have better blood flow and decrease your risk of disease.

Make sure to consider your nutrition as well. What you eat will affect your workouts. Learn what macronutrients you perform the best on and what will help you reach your goals. Make sure whatever you choose is sustainable. What you don’t want to get caught in is a yo-yo diet of gaining and losing bodyfat.

Your workouts and understanding of diet will be two of the best things you can do for your physical health, and most likely, your mental health as well. You can use the resources on this site to help you reach your personal health and fitness goals. Search through the programs and resources at the top of the page.

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