AllPro Beginner Bodybuilding Workout

AllPro Beginner Bodybuilding Workout

Download your copy of the Allpro beginner bodybuilding workout below.


The main article for this template can be found under 3-Day Beginner Workout Routine by AllPro. It covers the diet, supplementation, and description of the workout routine found here. This page is only the download page for the template described in that article. The article will also cover common questions, concerns, and advice associated with the free training template.

If you are not able to squat double your bodyweight or bench 1.5x your weight, this workout will help you get there! This program is designed to hit each muscle group with compound exercises three times per week. This will have you getting stronger and adding muscle mass in no time. The program is managed in 5 week cycles that will increase your endurance, strength, and muscle mass by adding reps and weight to the bar. Perform the cycle at least three times to see the best results.

It is important to keep in mind that your focus should be on technique more than weight as this is a bodybuilding workout. Always pay attention to form and keep tension on the muscles being worked. If you do this, the weight will go up faster than you think, and you will definitely grow as long as you are staying in a caloric surplus. If you are unsure how many calories you need to stay in a surplus you can use our free calorie calculator.

Allpro Workout Origins

This free training template was created by Doug Grows but the workout program itself was originally created by AllPros. It is available in many different places online, and most likely was originally available on However, we included it here as our goal is to provide a singular place for individuals like you to find free workout routines, diet advice, and more without having to search all over the internet.
This is a time proven program that has helped many individuals take their training to the next level, and it can do the same for you!

The free training template is built in Excel and is editable. Just be aware that editing the cells may change the formulas built into them. The only cells that need to be changed by you are under “Current One Rep Max.” Those cells will determine the weights that you should be lifting on training days. Stick to the weights and lifts in the program or you may not get the results you are expecting.

If you are looking for additional free training templates please go to the Workout Plans section of the site. It includes additional workout plans that may be more fitting for your goals. This is just one of the many free workout plans available on our site.

If you try one of the workout plans available on our site and like it: share it! Give us a shoutout or a review! We do this for people like you and love any support we can get in return!

If you have read the article and have additional questions regarding the program leave a comment below.

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