Hammer Strength Low Row: How And When To Use It

Hammer Strength Low Row: How And When To Use It

Are you looking to add serious size and strength to your back? Then, consider incorporating the Hammer Strength low row machine into your workout routine. This versatile piece of equipment is designed to target your lats, rhomboids, and middle back, helping you to build a well-defined and powerful back.

But how exactly do you use it, and when is the best time to incorporate it into your training? In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know to make the most of the Hammer Strength low row machine.

How To Use The Hammer Strength Low Row

Like all Hammer Strength machines, the low row is very simple to use! Here is how:

  • Load your desired weight onto the machine.
  • Sit down on the seat and grab the handles with your hands.
  • Pull the handles to your chest.
  • Extend your arms back out to starting position.
  • Repeat for as many reps as necessary.

Note: This machine will target the lats more efficiently if used as a unilateral movement. Meaning you will rotate slightly in the seat and only pull one side at a time.

About This Machine

The Hammer Strength Low Row machine is a great way to isolate your back in a stable and controlled movement pattern. This allows you to focus on the muscles you are targeting and perform the exercise properly. It also reduces the risk of injury, which can be a concern when performing free-weight exercises like bent-over or T-bar rows.

Another great benefit of the Hammer Strength Low Row is its versatility. You can easily adjust the weight and seat position to accommodate different fitness levels and body types. Additionally, you can change the hand grips to target different areas of your back, such as a wide grip for your lats or a close grip for your rhomboids.

When incorporating the Hammer Strength Low Row into your training routine, including it on a back day is best. We recommend using it mid-workout for moderate to heavy weight or as a finisher in your back routine.

Muscles Worked By The Hammer Strength Low Row

This machine primarily targets the middle back. Specifically, your latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, and middle and lower trapezius muscles. It will also target the biceps, shoulders, and forearms to some extent.

Alternative Lifts

Several alternative lifts target the same muscle groups as the Hammer Strength low row machine. These exercises are excellent substitutes if you can’t access the machine. Here are some options:

  • Bent-Over Barbell Rows: This exercise targets similar muscles to the Hammer Strength low row, particularly the middle and lower back. To perform this exercise, bend over at the hips with a barbell in your hands and pull the bar towards your belly button, keeping your elbows close to your body.
  • Seated Cable Rows: Seated cable rows target the same muscles as the Hammer Strength low row, particularly the upper and middle back. To perform this exercise, sit on a cable row machine with your feet on the platform, grab the handles, and pull them toward your belly button.
  • T-Bar Rows: T-bar rows are another alternative to the Hammer Strength low row that works the same muscle groups. To perform this exercise, stand with a barbell between your legs and pull the bar up towards your chest using a T-bar or V cable attachment, keeping your elbows close to your body.
  • Dumbbell Rows: Dumbbell rows can be performed with one or two dumbbells, targeting the same muscles as the Hammer Strength low row. To perform this exercise, bend over at the hips with the dumbbell(s) in your hand(s) and pull the weight(s) up to your side, keeping your elbow close to your body.

Including some of these alternative exercises in your training can help keep your workouts interesting and challenge your muscles differently.

Hammer Strength Low Row

The Hammer Strength low row is a fantastic machine to help you build a stronger, more well-rounded back. Whether you’re a bodybuilder, powerlifter, or looking to improve your overall fitness, incorporating the low row into your routine can lead to great results. Always use proper form, start with lighter weights, and gradually increase as you become more comfortable with the movement.

If you’re looking for more workout plans and exercises to help you reach your fitness goals, check out our free workout plans section on the website. We have a wide variety of fitness programs for all levels, from beginner to advanced, to help you get the most out of your training. Thanks for reading, and happy lifting!

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By Doug Shoemaker

In 2013 I attended TVCC with my studies focusing on nutrition and biology. After leaving TVCC I pursued a career in inbound marketing and have worked in many different industries including health and fitness, firearms, coaching, and many more. I spent 6 years training for powerlifting and 6 years after training for a bodybuilding show in Idaho, which sadly did not come to fruition.

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