How to Sign 10 Personal Training Clients in One Month

how to sign 10 personal training clients in one month

So let’s dive into how you can sign 10 personal training clients in the next month.

Signing this many personal training clients will give you great freedom in your business. In addition, it will help you earn some extra money that week and open up investment opportunities for you to put more money into your business. But additionally, having the skills and the ability to grow your business whenever you want, as quickly as you want, will give you tremendous power as a business owner.

One of the things you are going to need if you want to be able to add these 10 clients is a fantastic offer to get people started.

I am going to give you two reasonable offers to use:

  • a 30-day offer for $199
  • a six week’s offer for $299

These offers will include training, nutrition guidance, weekly accountability, and tracking of measurements.

You can add a few bells and whistles, like recipe books, meal plans, etc., to make the offer sweeter. Generally, people don’t end up using these, but they fluff up the sale to make it look like a better deal.

However, you really shouldn’t have an issue selling these deals. These are both super reasonable offers for the period you need sales in. Especially if you are doing the closing yourself.

If you can’t close this kind of deal, I recommend taking some sales training courses. I don’t mean that as a jab; this is just a very reasonable offer that should close pretty quickly.

The Timeline to Sign 10 Personal Training Clients

So you are going to run one of these offers for 30 days. The offer will include their training, meals, accountability, and a goal-setting session at the start, where you will set them up and sell them.

Now with these kinds of offers, you will need to collect the money upfront. So you will collect the $199 or $299 upfront. Then, at the end of the deal, they will roll into a 24-week program which will be $65/week or whatever your ongoing training package is.

Now let’s cover how you will get the leads for this deal. Here are the 3 most basic steps you can follow to get the 25 leads you will need to get the ten sales on this offer.

Step One

Firstly you will take advantage of your existing list of ex-customers and lost leads. Anyone that has inquired in the past but is not currently training with you for whatever reason. So what you are going to do is send them one email and one text message with your monthly offer.

It will say, “Hey _____, we’ve got an exciting new (30 day/6 week) transformation challenge starting next week if you want to lose weight, get more fit, and get stronger. We’d really love to have you down to train with us over that time. Does that interest you?”

You will want to contact anyone who replies “yes” as quickly as possible and get them in for a consult, then sign them up.

Make sure you have an hour and a half free immediately after sending the email and the text message. In sales, reply speed is king, so you must respond quickly if you want to pick up new personal training clients.

Depending on your audience size, you may need more or less time than this. However, this will get you on the right track. Your goal from the email and text should be to sign about 3-4 people immediately.

Step Two

The next step is to do a beta test message for picking up new personal training clients. Use your personal phone to reach out to the people you know – friends, family, etc., offering them the same deal as above.

Additionally, you will want to DM 20-30 of that same message to your followers on Instagram. You will also want to message it to anyone who has DM’d your business page that is not a client.

If you send that message to 100 people, you should be able to get about 5 new personal training clients. This is scalable too! If you can send it to 200, expect about 10 clients.

You need to always be using your existing list and growing your list. If everyone on your phone has yet to train with you, you are losing hundreds of thousands of dollars every year. This is where you need to start.

But even if you don’t have an existing list, you still have people to contact. You just need to think outside the box!

If you really want to blow up your personal training business, you should leverage every single list you have. Your personal contacts, your Facebook friends, your Instagram followers, everyone who follows your Facebook business page, and every other list you can think of.

Step Three

Then you will scale this effort even further with some Facebook ads. I won’t get into copy and images. But Facebook’s best personal training ads target people over 40 and over 50. This is because everyone in the market is targeting the younger market. You must hit a market that has yet to be hammered with personal training ads.

This will provide you with cheaper and higher-quality ads and put you in front of an audience that is more likely to be financially capable of utilizing your service.

You will want to run a budget of $20-$30/day to start and focus on the results and the benefits for the client. What do they really want out of life? How will what you do help them reach that goal?

You will want to get these people in for a face-to-face consultation or, if it applies better, get them onto a video call. First, show them around the facility you work in, and show them transformation photos for social proof. Then run them through your intake questionnaire. Learn their goals and pain points, what they want to achieve, and why it’s important to them. Then get some background on their training experience and nutrition. After all this, you will want to set them up for their 30-day or 6-week offer.

Remember, you want to take money upfront. Then walk the client through precisely what to expect. For example, “For $199 today, I will provide you with ____, then after that time, you will have the opportunity to join our 6-week ultimate transformation program, which is only $65/week. If you don’t want to continue with that, please let us know before the end of the 30 days.”

Now focus on getting them excellent results for the next 30 days/6 weeks. These new clients are your best source for referrals in the future.

How You Can Sign 10 Personal Training Clients in One Month

If you can do these three things for the next 30 days, I am confident that you will have taken on at least 10 new paying clients by the end. If not, the worst-case scenario is that you only have a few new clients and a more extensive list to work off of for next time.

As you grow this list and continue your outreach and ad spend, 10 will eventually look like a tiny number to gain in a month.

Always remember signing up a ton of new members is a good thing, but it also can break your systems! So make sure you are prepared to service these clients to the best of your ability.

What you don’t want to do is pump in a bunch of new members you are not prepared to serve. 10 is a very manageable number to start out with and will give you an idea of what new systems you need in place to grow faster in the future. Additionally, it will infuse your personal training business with $1,990 to $2,990 of new income in one month. Now you can use this capital to build these critical systems and invest in growing more!

If you want help building an online ecosystem that will continuously help grow on autopilot without ad spend and cold outreach, you can learn more about that here.

If you have any questions, leave them at the bottom of the page or if you would like more tips, subscribe to the Doug Grows email below!

By Doug Shoemaker

In 2013 I attended TVCC with my studies focusing on nutrition and biology. After leaving TVCC I pursued a career in inbound marketing and have worked in many different industries including health and fitness, firearms, coaching, and many more. I spent 6 years training for powerlifting and 6 years after training for a bodybuilding show in Idaho, which sadly did not come to fruition.

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